Is It Necessary To Replace Missing Teeth?

Yes! If you have lost a tooth, you may be wondering what your next options are and should you replace the missing teeth or not. Missing teeth can negatively impact your oral health as it causes a lot of dental complications.

What can happen if you don’t replace a missing tooth? 

No matter if you are missing one or several teeth, it can significantly affect your day-to-day life as well as your dental health. If you choose not to replace your missing teeth, you could experience the following complications:


When a missing tooth is not replaced, the adjacent teeth start to shift to fill in the gap left behind by a lost tooth. As a result, it leads to misalignment which can strain the jawbone and lead to chewing difficulty.

Your face could change 

Even the loss of a back tooth can cause your mouth to shift and make you look older. Every aspect of your face is interconnected, so a loss of tooth can deteriorate your jawbone and muscles to droop over time. By replacing the missing teeth, you can help keep others in place, ensure your gums are healthy and your face does not change.

TMJ disorder

The muscles that help to chew are called temporomandibular joints. Changes to these muscles can result in a lot of pain as they are connected with each other. Loss of tooth and the failure to replace it can affect the temporomandibular joints. Although TMJ disorder can be treated, prevention is the best treatment.

Teeth replacement options 

The replacement teeth should last for years, and you have to choose the right teeth replacement option. Dental bridges, dentures, and cheap dental implants Melbourne are common options for replacing a missing tooth. However, when compared to other options, dental implants in Melbourne is considered to be the permanent solution as it provides a wealth of benefits and can last forever if maintained well.

Why choose dental implants 

Teeth implants are the most preferred option when it comes to replacing missing teeth. Providing a secure foundation for an artificial tooth, dental implants can be used instead of bridges and dentures. It is the only teeth replacement option that replaces both the root and crown of a lost tooth. They feel, function, and look like a natural tooth.

While traditional implants can be used to replace one or more missing teeth, all-on-4 dental implants allow replacing an entire arch of missing teeth. Although the dental implants cost Melbourne is high when compared to dentures, it has a high success rate of 98% and can last forever if maintained well. In fact, dental implants help improve the quality of life besides restoring the smile and functionality.

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About the Author: Danny White