Are You a Candidate for Dental Implants? 

Dental implants have significantly replaced the use of traditional methods to restore teeth. They are a popular option among adults as they are durable and provide natural-looking teeth. 

They have titanium posts that are put in the jawbone of the patient. Such posts are artificial and provide a strong foundation for putting crowns or other replacement options. They are the best option for those who want to maintain the natural aesthetics of their face. 

In Upland, people engage in different social gatherings. Looking presentable can make or break the deal, especially in a formal setting. Furthermore, having great aesthetics also helps in boosting confidence.

 As far as functionality is concerned, you will get an enhanced ability to chew on different food items and speak better. An appointment with a good and experienced Upland dentist can get you started on your treatment.

How Do You Know You Are A Potential Candidate For Dental Implants?

Dental implants may not be the right option for everyone. Here are a few points that determine that you are the right candidate for dental implants. 

It would help if you had sufficient bone density

You might not have enough bone density due to tooth loss or some other reason. In order to get dental implants, adequate bone density is needed. Titanium posts can only be fixed into the jaw when you have enough bone density. There is a method called bone grafting for those who have insufficient bone density. 

You can get the procedure done and then go for dental implants. However, with an active lifestyle in Upland and maintaining proper health, you should be able to get started with a dental implant procedure. Eat healthy, including foods rich in vitamin D, in order to have good bone health. 

Preferring non-smokers for dental implants

Those who smoke are susceptible to various dental diseases, and their bone density can also be severely affected. Therefore, avoid smoking if you are planning to get dental implants. Furthermore, it would help if you avoided smoking after getting the surgery done as well. It would help if you let the healing process be completed successfully.

 If you smoke in between, you can compromise the durability of your implants. Various programs and campaigns can help you in quitting smoking. It is not only going to impact your implants but also your overall health. Quit smoking as soon as you can, especially those planning to get implants. 

Maintain good oral health

It is one of the crucial requirements for dental implant surgery. You need to make sure that you brush your teeth daily and engage in healthy habits. For instance, brush your teeth daily and floss as well. Another thing is that you should be free from any gum diseases. It can be ensured by going for regular checkups. 

A dentist can help in battling gum disease by removing the symptoms such as a pimple on the gum or swelling. It would help if you were free from dental diseases in order to get dental implants. Therefore, regular dental cleanings and checkups are necessary to keep a record of your dental health. 

It would help if you did not have unrealistic expectations about the outcome

A person mustn’t expect their teeth to look like that of celebrities. You should be realistic about the expected outcome and know that the results are definitely going to be better but might not meet your unrealistic expectations. 

Furthermore, you need to realize that it is a process involving multiple steps, and each step needs to be carefully taken in order to get good results. You can discuss the entire process with your dentist before getting started with the procedure. 

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About the Author: Whitney Stukes