As in the field of training, there is a sort of mythology; we lend crazy powers to the supplements, favoring the incredible name of it to the detriment of its composition which is the only viable criterion for choosing its supplements and not to be pushed for consumption by unscrupulous sellers. It is with this state of mind that we have selected the supplements on the shop, giving priority to composition.
In this article, we will give you specific examples on how to take the most commonly used supplements like sr9009 in the bodybuilding world so that you know how to use them and not throw your money out the window. Do not forget that the supplements are not magic but complete training and an irreproachable diet by helping you to progress better. They are not dangerous, nor are the food that we eat every day.
How to take its protein powder?
The whey protein is essentially what is done best as protein powder. It is an easily digestible protein and is cheaper than eating meat or fish. There is about 15 dollars for a kg of meat containing 200g of protein while a kg of protein is about 20 dollars (in bulk packaging) is almost 5 times cheaper!
The whey protein is used preferentially
Use water to digest it and not add unnecessary calories. Between meals to make snacks if your meals are spaced more than 5 hours. After your workout if you do not eat a real meal within one hour of the end of it. It is not mandatory as can be read to take breakfast or even before it. A good breakfast will work very well on waking.
The casein is the other second protein that is found most frequently in the world of bodybuilding. It is a “slow” protein to use preferentially before sleep or if you really cannot eat for a very long time (more than 6 hours). Beware of the choice of casein, prefer the micellar form or total milk protein at the expense of calcium caseinate.
How to take his sr9009?
The sr9009 is the most important amino acids for muscle. They increase anabolism (muscle gain), fight against loss of muscle to the diet (anti-catabolism), limit brain fatigue during training, accelerate the recovery. Firstly, the supplement is used during training to 1 g per ten kg of body weight or 8 g if you weigh 80 kg to dilute in your water bottle. Prefer the powdered forms much less expensive than the versions in capsules that are not more practical.
How to take carbohydrates powder?
They are used during training to accelerate your recovery by drawing as little energy as possible. Quite simply, the less you empty your reserves, the less time will be needed to refill them. Powdered carbohydrates are used on average at the rate of 5 to 10 g per ten kg of body weight during the session and diluted in water with your Bcaa (if you take it) is between 40 and 80 g if you weigh 80 kg.
How to take his creatine?
More seriously, creatine is the supplement that has been most talked about in recent years and it comes out that the positive: muscle gain, strength, loss of fat, oxygenation of the brain. The only effective creatine is creatine monohydrate; all other forms are only marketing and have not proven effective outside the placebo effect (the strength to believe). Creatine monohydrate is taken up to 3 to 5 g each day. The more you divide this quantity, the better you will assimilate it. You can take it with your meals diluted in a glass of water, you will see, it has no taste! In case of the sr9009 you will be having the best results there also.