Reasons for Blood Sugar Level Fluctuations

There are so many factors that contribute for the fluctuations in blood sugar levels of a diabetes patient. If you have been suffering from diabetes, then you would have already observed the sudden changes in the blood sugar levels. Physical activities, stress, emotional stress, food, medications and many more reasons will give rise to the blood sugar level fluctuations in a diabetes patient. It is important to take utmost care in order to control the sugar level in blood. Regular testing of blood sugar will help in understanding the pattern of these fluctuations.

Here are some of the reasons that gives rise to the fluctuations in the blood sugar level.

Artificial Sweeteners

Usually diabetes patients go for the substitutes like artificial sweeteners, diet sodas and juices. It has been proven in a study that the consumption of these artificial sweeteners in any form will increase the blood sugar level. The insulin and blood sugar will be increased and reaches a peak level if they are taken in a huge quantity. It is important to stop consuming these artificial sweeteners in bulk and avoiding the sodas or juices is better.


Usually the food that a person consumes is metabolized and it enters the blood stream. This means that the food that you consume will directly affect the blood sugar levels in your body. The intake of carbohydrates or high sugar food will result in the immediate increase in the blood sugar levels whereas the consumption of complex carbs, proteins and fats will not show much changes.

This increase in the blood sugar level can be observed when the FBS test (fasting blood sugar test) is taken and then the random blood sugar test is taken. The sugar level in the blood will be normal in FBS test but after consumption of food, the blood sugar level will increase to a greater level. To avoid the fluctuations in the blood sugar it is better to opt for the food that have low glycemic index.  It is better to consume the food which is high in fiber. The fiber helps in lowering the glucose levels in type 2 diabetes patients.

Intake of Alcohol

There are certain types of alcohols which increases the amount of insulin present in the blood which in turn decreases the amount of blood sugar present in the blood.

On the other hand there are some other types of drinks that increase the sugar levels in blood because of the carbohydrates present in them. Beer has highest carbohydrates percentage. Either way intake of alcohol is going to affect the normal blood sugar level of a diabetes patient so it is better to avoid the alcohol.


Hormones play an important role in the fluctuations of blood sugar level. The hormones that control the menstrual cycle are capable of affecting the blood sugar levels, sometimes. If you observe three or four days before the start of menstrual cycle, women will feel the need of increased insulin injection due to the increase in the blood sugar levels. The increase in the progesterone and estrogen will affect the menstruation cycle in women. In women with extreme diabetes problem, there is a chance for infection in yeast and vagina due to these blood sugar level fluctuations. Exercising will help a little bit to control the blood sugar levels during menstrual cycle.

Excessive Exercising

It is important for diabetes patients to exercise on daily basis. But exercising too much has its side effects. Hypoglycemia (decrease in the blood sugar levels) can occur if you workout too much. It is important to keep the working out in control and taking the help of a trainer would be better.


When a person suffers from higher stress levels, the body will prepare a hormone named cortisol. This coritsol will help in providing the glucose for the body so that it has the energy to manage the stress. But in the diabetes patient, the increase in the glucose will in turn increases the blood sugar levels and may even lead to hypoglycemia. Meditation, deep breathing, muscle relaxation are some of the tips that will help in reducing the stress.

These are some of the factors that affect the blood sugar level fluctuations. It is better to have regular sugar level checkup. Portea offers the blood sugar level tests at home only so there is no need for you to visit the lab. Portea is a trustworthy service provider.

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About the Author: Clare Louise