What are the measures that are need to be taken before or after surgery

The surgeon must perform a clinical history of the patient in the consultation, asking for information about the main disease, general health status and other diseases that may accompany, medical and surgical history, allergies to medication and current medication. Then he will write down the patient guides of the physical examination of the patient.

Pre-operative studies

Depending on the type of intervention and the patient’s conditions, preliminary studies prior to the intervention will be necessary. In general blood tests, coagulation, electrocardiogram and chest radiography are usually performed, it has been shown that preparing and knowing what to anticipate for the procedure can reduce anxiety and improve outcome especially prior to big surgeries.


The surgeon must inform the patient in a clear and easy way about the diagnosis, what the intervention consists of, which are the most frequent complications, the personalized risks, about the possible sequels and if there are other treatment alternatives.


As a final step, the patient signs a document in which he states his satisfaction with the information received, and his consent for the specified surgical procedure to be performed.

What are the steps prior to a surgical intervention?

Before any operation, either with hospitalization or outpatient, it is necessary that both the doctor and the patient prepare the intervention that is intended to perform.

What do the surgeon and the anesthesiologist need to know?

  • If the patient is allergic to any medication
  • If the patient is taking any medication at the current time
  • If the patient smokes or has smoked, and if the lung is damaged by tobacco
  • If the patient has or has had high blood pressure
  • If the patient has or has had high blood sugar
  • If the patient has or has had bronchial asthma
  • If the patient has had chest pain or angina pectoris, or a previous myocardial infarction
  • If the patient has been anesthetized previously, and the problems that could arise
  • If the patient has been operated on previously, and what type of intervention

How will the anesthesia be?

The anesthesiologist will have already discussed with the patient the type of anesthesia that is expected to be used in his intervention. Depending on this and each patient, it can be:

Local anesthesia – only the area where the incision is to be made is anesthetized. Regional anesthesia – epidural or spinal anesthesia, the lower half of the body is anesthetized, approximately from the waist down. General anesthesia – the patient falls asleep completely, and it is usually necessary to maintain breathing by endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation.

Surgery with hospitalization

The patient enters and goes to the hospital at least one night. It can be short-stay surgery. This is a good alternative when major outpatient surgery is not possible, due to patient conditions or for organizational reasons.

How is the preparation in the hours before surgery?

Normally sedative medication will be provided the night before to facilitate rest. The patient must shower, and the surgical area will be shaved. Depending on the type of intervention, the patient will receive antibiotics to prevent infections, and medication to prevent the formation of thrombi in the veins and to prevent gastritis and bleeding from the stomach.

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About the Author: Whitney Stukes